This page provides you with Python resources including links and books so that you can reference them when you learn Python or work on your Python projects.
Useful Links
- Python Official Documentation – give official Python documentation for your reference.
- Python enhancement proposals (PEP) – provide a resource to understand how things work in Python. And more importantly why they were implemented in a certain way.
- PEP 8 – style guide and idiomatic Python.
- PEP 20 – Zen of Python.
- PEP 484 – Type hints.
- Tinker 8.5 Reference – describe Tkinter widgets including the
- Learning Python by Mark Lutz
- Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho
- Python Cookbook by David Beazley & Brian K.Jones
- Effective Python by Brett Slatkin
- Python in a Nutshell by Alex Martelli
Youtube Videos
Look out for the excellent videos on Python on Youtube:
- Pycon videos
- Raymond Hettinger Talks
- Alex Martelli videos
Python packages
- – datetime package
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