Python abs

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Python abs() function to return an absolute value of a variable.

Introduction to the Python abs() function #

The abs() function returns an absolute value of a number. Here’s the syntax of the abs() function:

abs(x)Code language: Python (python)

In this syntax, x can be an integer, a floating point number, or a complex number. If x is a complex number, the abs() returns the magnitude of that complex number.

Also, x can be an object that implements the __abs__() method. In this case, the abs() function will delegate to the __abs__() method.

Python abs() function example #

Let’s take some examples of using the abs() function.

1) Using abs() function with numbers #

The following example uses the abs() function with numbers:

balance = -10
print(abs(balance))  # 👉 10

owed_amount = -20.99
print(abs(owed_amount))  # 👉 20.99

c = 3 - 5j
print(abs(c))  # 👉 5.0Code language: Python (python)

2) Using abs() function with a user-defined object #

The following example creates a class Balance that implements the __abs__() method:

class Balance:
    def __init__(self, amount):
        self.amount = amount

    def __abs__(self):
        return abs(self.amount)

balance = Balance(-299)
print(abs(balance))  # 👉 -299Code language: Python (python)

When we pass the balance object to the abs() function, the abs() function delegates the call to the __abs__() method that returns the absolute value of the amount attribute.

Summary #

  • Use the Python abs() function to return the absolute value of a number or an object that implements the __abs__() method.
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