Advanced Python

This tutorial series explains the advanced Python concepts and helps you understand how and why things work in Python under the hood.

To learn advanced Python, you need to have basic Python knowledge and some practical experience in Python programming.

Section 1. Variables & Memory Management #

  • References – learn about references and how reference counting works in Python.
  • Garbage collection – understand the garbage collection and how to interact with Python Garbage collector via the gc module.
  • Dynamic typing – explain to you how dynamic typing works and understand the differences between static types and dynamic types.
  • Mutable & Immutable objects – introduce you to mutable and immutable objects in Python.
  • is operator – help you understand object identity and equality, and how to use the is operator to check if two variables reference the same object.
  • None – learn about the None object and how to use it properly.

Section 2. Variable scopes #

Section 3. Closures #

  • Closures – help you understand the closures in Python and how to define closures.

Section 4. Decorators #

Decorators allow you to modify the behavior of functions, classes, and methods at runtime without making permanent changes to their original structure. In this section, you’ll learn what decorators are and how to use them effectively.

  • Decorators – explain decorators and show you how to develop a simple decorator in Python.
  • Decorators with arguments – show you how to define a decorator that accepts one or more arguments.
  • Class Decorators – illustrate how to define a class as a decorator.
  • Monkey Patching – explain the monkey patching technique in Python and how to use decorators to implement monkey patching.

Section 5. Named Tuples #

  • Named Tuples – learn how to use named tuples, which allow you to store data like classes, but without the need to define complete class structures.

Section 6. Sequence Types #

  • Sequence types – learn about sequences and their basic operations
  • Lists vs. Tuples – explain the main differences between the tuple and list.
  • Slicing – show you how to use slicing to extract data from or assign data to a sequence.
  • Custom Sequence Type – learn about the custom sequence type and show you how to use a custom sequence type to define the Fibonacci sequence.

Section 7. Iterators and Iterables #

  • Iterators – learn about the iterator protocol and how to define a custom iterator.
  • Iterators vs. Iterables – understand iterators and iterables, and the differences between them
  • iter() – explain to you how the iter() function works and how to use it effectively.

Section 8. Generators #

  • Generator functions – introduce you to the generator functions and how to use generators to create iterators.
  • Generator expressions – show you an alternative syntax for creating a generator object.

Section 9. Context Managers #

  • Context Managers – learn about context managers and how to use them effectively.

Section 10. Integer types #

  • Integers – learn about the integer and how Python stores the integers in the memory.
  • Floor division operator (//) – introduce you to the floor division operator (//) and how to use it effectively.
  • Modulo operator (%) – explain how the module operator (%) works in Python.
  • bool – explain how Python boolean works under the hood.
  • The and operator – learn how to use the and operator effectively.
  • The or operator – show you how to use the or operator.

Section 11. Float #

  • Float – explain how Python represents floating-point numbers internally and how to test two floats for equality.
  • Converting float to int – show you how to convert float to int.
  • Rounding – learn how to round a floating-point number to a specified number of digits after the decimal point.

Section 12. Decimal #

  • Decimal – learn about the decimal module that provides support for fast correctly-rounded decimal floating-point arithmetic.
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